Skin Safe Flame Resistant Clothing


It seems silly that a company which makes protective clothing would need to explain that it is safe to wear against your skin. However, when words such as rashes, growths, formaldehyde, toxins and heavy metals are used, there probably needs to be some explanation. If you have to worry what you are wearing, why would you wear it in the first place?

When you purchase any item of clothing from Benchmark FR, we guarantee that it is:

  • Sweat Safe
  • Saliva Safe
  • Contains No Toxins
  • Contains No Halogens
  • Non-Allergenic
  • Contains No Heavy Metals
  • Meets International Standards for Formaldehyde

Sweat: Our fabrics are safe to wear directly against your skin. They are non-allergenic and will not react with your skin.

Residue: We voluntarily meet the most stringent international health codes related to formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic and other toxins. From a toxicity perspective, there is virtually no difference between a Benchmark FR garment and a non-FR, high-end cotton product found at your typical department store.

Formaldehyde: In 1999 Canada declared formaldehyde a toxic substance. In 2011, the US recognized it as a known carcinogen. The EPA considers it one of the top five urgent environmental risks to public health.

Typically, our competitors who use ammonia-cured processes with natural fibers have formaldehyde levels above 700 ppm and use anecdotal evidence to claim they are safe for skin contact.

One domestic mill publishes formaldehyde levels up to 300 ppm. This could not be used as a building product or carpet in a home. A nearly identical amount of formaldehyde was found in trailers that made people sick and led to a class action lawsuit after Hurricane Katrina.

By significant contrast, we keep our levels of free formaldehyde below 75 ppm. This is ensured using a proprietary oxidizing procedure during fabric processing. Lastly, we use independent laboratories to test for formaldehyde levels which exceed the Oeko-Tex standard for wearing apparel.

Neck Rash? Growths? Formaldehyde?

We talked to many workers who have worn arc and flame resistant PPE during their career. Many have problems with rashes and in some cases growths and cancer developing on their necks and forearms; areas which have direct contact with their flame resistant clothing.

Free Formaldehyde Test: If you suspect you are wearing arc and flame resistant garment with high levels of formaldehyde, contact us and we will arrange for you to send your product to a lab for analysis.